August 27, 2008

Germ fest fun!

The other day we took a trip to OMSI, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. This is one of Matthew's favorite outings... now mind you, every time we go we get sick! I always know whenever we go we will get whatever there is out there for sure! I am a germ crazy mom while we are there, even with such efforts as washing all of our hands a total of five times while we were there and using sanitizer after playing in the kids zone, we still got a cold! Poor Matthew has it the worst today, that is why we only go a few times a year, but it is worth it, it is fun, good learning and lots of entertainment!
Petting the corn snake

Putting a skeleton puzzle together

Looking through the microscope... maybe that is how the little guy got that cold!

Always gotta go on the shuttle and have a trip to space!

There was more water on the ground then in this tank, Daniel was splashing everybody, I had to rescue them all and take him out! HA!

Digging for dinosaur bones, what a great expedition!

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