December 12, 2008

Now to decorate the tree...

After we got the tree in, it was time to decorate... we were so excited! The boys wanted their best buddy Roni to come over and help, cause well, she joins us for every thing that is fun! So we all decorated. :)

This is Matthew's favorite ornament, my parents got it for him when he was born.
Daniel just played with these beads the entire time, it was hilarious! He didn't care about the tree itself after he found those stringed beads! He's a wild one, that boy is!
Halfway through out decorating session, Matthew disappeared. He comes back as Santa... he is outgrowing the outfit, so he substitutes different pieces from other outfits. We had made this sort of puppet of Santa a few nights ago, he put it up to his face, like it was his "mask"! He loves to pretend and be creative! :)

The beautiful tree! The ornaments have all moved up the tree, as Daniel's curisoity and boldness grows. Yesterday he tried to take off a whole strand of lights! Ah, careful little guy! We are just loving this season. Tomorrow we are gonna go to my mom and dad's for a Christmas boat show on the Columbia river, and some cookie baking time! Oh, the fatness of it all! Yum! Hope you are having some fun times and creating beautiful, fun memories!

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